Town of Milton and Halton Hills, ON
Regional Municipality of Halton
CH2M Hill
The 20,000 Mega liter water storage reservoir was constructed by ASCO to provide water storage for peak domestic use and emergency fire protection for the Towns of Milton and Halton Hills (401 corridor).
The project consisted of an in-ground elevated two-cell reinforced concrete reservoir with total capacity of 20,000 Mega liters, a Valve House, and an Access Building complete with a stairway into each of the cells. The reservoir was connected to the main distribution system via a 900mm diameter CPP feeder main, of which ASCO constructed approximately 800 meters of the final stage.
The reservoir layout, structural design, and distribution piping were designed to accommodate a future expansion to an ultimate storage capacity of 40,000 Mega liters.
The start date was delayed which resulted in the need to accelerate the construction of the concrete portion of the reservoir so the mechanical and electrical work could be completed. This was accomplished by changing the formwork system, undertaking larger concrete pours, and extending the working hours. Although there was very limited shrinkage cracking, the additive Zypex® proved quite beneficial in sealing the minor cracks and, coupled with the significantly above average quality concrete work, provided assurance in the structure’s integrity thereby enabling the reservoir to be backfilled prior to conducting the leakage testing, saving additional time.